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There’s no avoiding it—stress is part of everyday life. When stress becomes intense or chronic during pregnancy, it can have negative effects on your health and your baby’s. Stress in pregnancy can lead to preterm labor and low birth weight (1) along with other negative effects. The good news is that there are ways to reduce stress and take control over the effects of stress on your health.
Ongoing research continues to show the many associations between stress and your baby’s development. The effects of prenatal stress can occur directly through the influence of stress-related physiological changes on the developing baby, or by affecting your own health and the pregnancy outcome, indirectly affecting infant health and development. Studies suggest that activation of the maternal stress response and resulting changes in endocrine activity play a role in the causation of these negative effects (2).
Stress alters baby’s gut and brain. Stress during the first trimester of pregnancy alters the population of microbes living in a mother’s vagina. Those changes are passed on to newborns during birth. Research suggests that the maternal vaginal microbiome is one of the ways that a mother’s stress during pregnancy can alter the baby’s gut microbiome as well as their brain development. These early interactions occur during a critical window of neurodevelopment (3).
Maternal psychological distress may have an adverse association with brain structure and biochemistry in utero. Studies have shown a relationship between prenatal psychological distress and impaired fetal hippocampal development during the late second and third trimesters and altered fetal cortical gyrification in the frontal and temporal lobes (4).
When mom experiences stress during the second trimester of pregnancy it may influence the nervous system of the developing child, both before and after birth. Studies indicate this may have subtle effects on temperament, noticed in less smiling and engagement, as well as a diminished ability to regulate emotions (5).
Women with higher levels of stress during the first trimester and second trimester show an increased risk of preterm birth and a decrease in infant birth weight. Prenatal severe life events, especially in the first trimester, may play an important role in increasing the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight (6).
High blood pressure during pregnancy are an important concern. In several studies, mental stress was associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia (7).
A new study suggests that a mother’s mood during pregnancy may affect her child’s sleep patterns early in life. Researchers found that babies and toddlers whose mothers had mood issues during pregnancy tended to have more sleep problems than other young children. The investigators suspect that the related elevated stress hormones may shape fetal brain development in a way that disturbs early-life sleep patterns (9).
Evidence shows that maternal stress can have adverse consequences on immune functioning. In studies, prenatal mood issues and stress predicted an increase in infant sickness and antibiotic use (10-11).
Pregnancy-specific stress can influence the development of the baby’s brain even more than general stress. This is due to a reduction of the prefrontal cortex’s grey matter which can modify the development of cognitive capacities. Higher cortisol levels in amniotic fluid have been associated with slower rates of cognitive development (12).
Researchers found that mothers exposed to high levels of stress during pregnancy have kids who are more than twice as likely to have chronic symptoms of hyperactivity and conduct disorder. Reducing prenatal stress can reduce the risk of behavioral issues (13, 14).
It’s important to note, the above studies focus on intense levels of stress and psychological distress. Some stress is normal for everyone and can even be helpful in prompting you to pay attention to your health. To reduce your stress level, pay attention to your body and emotions, control the elements you can, and try to let go of worrying too much about what you can’t.
Good nutrition is an essential tool for helping you stay healthy and happy during pregnancy. One nutrient linked to fighting the effects of stress is DHA, an important omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3s have a profound effect on decreasing rates of swelling in the body, especially in the brain. Swelling can cause changes to your mood (15).
Emerging evidence from pregnancy studies suggests that omega-3 PUFA may play a critical role, not only in baby’s neurodevelopment, but also in supporting mom’s positive mood and decreased feelings of stress.
You can get DHA from your diet but many experts recommend DHA supplementation, especially during pregnancy when it can be challenging to get enough from sources like deep-sea fish. Women taking DHA supplementation reported reduced perceived stress and lower levels of stress hormones (16).
Prenatal DHA provides potent DHA and purified omega-3 made from real triglyceride oil—the form naturally found in fish, and the form your body most easily absorbs.
Vegan Prenatal DHA provides potent DHA and purified omega-3 made from algae for a sustainable, fish-free alternative for vegetarians, vegans, and expecting mothers who prefer not to eat fish.
Some stress is inevitable, but there are ways to help manage things and reduce the stress in your life. Dr. Calvin Hobel, the Miriam Jacobs Chair in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles advises that pregnant women benefit from learning how to recognize the effects of stress and some of the simple things they can do to make a difference (17).
Knowing that reducing your stress has so many benefits for you and your baby will help you make the space you need to care for your mind and body during this exciting time. Be aware of signs of stress, take a deep breath, and get back on track.
(1) Fetus to Mom: You’re stressing me out! MedicineNet. WebMD. 2005 Jan 30.
(2) Effects of prenatal stress on pregnancy and human development: mechanisms and pathways. Obstet Med. 2013;6(2):52-57.
(4) Association of Prenatal Maternal Psychological Distress With Fetal Brain Growth, Metabolism, and Cortical Maturation. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(1):e1919940.
(5) Effects of pre-and postnatal maternal stress on infant temperament and autonomic nervous system reactivity and regulation in a diverse, low-income population. Development and Psychopathology. 2017;29(5):1553-1571.
(6) Prenatal life events stress: implications for preterm birth and infant birthweight, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 203, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 34.e1-34.e8, ISSN 0002-9378.
(7) A brief overview of preeclampsia. J Clin Med Res. 2014;6(1):1-7.
(8) Perceived psychosocial stress and glucose intolerance among pregnant Hispanic women. Diabetes Metab. 2014 Dec;40(6):466-75.
(9) Prenatal mood disturbance predicts sleep problems in infancy and toddlerhood. Early Hum Dev. 2007 Jul;83(7):451-8.
(10) Maternal prenatal anxiety and stress predict infant illnesses and health complaints. Pediatrics. 2010 Aug;126(2):e401-9.
(11) Maternal Stress During Pregnancy Predicts Infant Infectious and Noninfectious Illness, The Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 228, 2021, Pages 117-125.e2, ISSN 0022-3476.
(12) Influence of Maternal Stress during Pregnancy on Child’s Neurodevelopment. Psych. 2020; 2(4):186-197.
(13) ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 01, 2021.
(14) Maternal Stress during Pregnancy, ADHD Symptomatology in Children and Genotype:
(15) The Interplay between Maternal Nutrition and Stress during Pregnancy: Issues and Considerations. Ann Nutr Metab 2017;70:191-200.
(16) Women in the DHA supplementation group reported lower levels of perceived stress at 30
(17) MedicineNet. WebMD. 2005 Jan 30.
(18) Stress management. Mayo Clinic. 2020 Aug 18.
(19) Prenatal yoga: what you need to know. Mayo Clinic. 2021 Feb 3.
(20) Novak S, Payson M. Pregnancy and meditation. What to Expect. 2020 May 21.
(21) White BA, Horwath CC, Conner TS. Many apples a day keep the blues away—daily experiences of negative and positive affect and food consumption in young adults. Br J Health Psychol. 2013 Nov;18(4):782-98. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12021.
(22) Young LM, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of B vitamin supplements on depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress: effects on healthy and ‘at-risk’ individuals. Nutrients. 2019 Sep;11(9):2232. doi: 10.3390/nu11092232.
(23) McCulloch M. 15 healthy foods high in B vitamins. Healthline. 2018 Oct 11.