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Become a Best Nest Wellness Affiliate Partner

Earn a generous 35% commission.

We’ve made it simple to start

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    Get Link

    Once approved, we’ll send you a link to share with friends and family. Feel free to use it on social media, in emails, in person, etc.

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    Start Earning

    For every sale you make, you’ll earn a commission.


How does my commission get calculated?

Your commission will be calculated based on what trigger you use (coupon code or link) and your sales. When one of your customers uses your unique Best Nest Wellness link or your coupon code and makes a purchase, you will receive a commission.

If a customer clicks on your unique link, but then shops directly from our website, you will still receive a commission, as long as it is within 60 days of their first “interested” click and it's their first purchase.

The affiliate program is recurring over the lifetime of the subscription, as long as the customer remains active on a direct-billed plan.

Who can be part of the affiliate program?

Anyone who has a passion for Best Nest Wellness and health and wellness can be part of our affiliate program. If you have a website, store, social following, blog, etc. you can share your love of Best Nest Wellness and earn. You are not required to have a practitioner or resale license.

Click the Join Our Affiliate Program button below to see the full list of requirements.

As an affiliate, where can I share?

Feel free to share on your social media pages or personal website. Blogs, emails, and online stores are also great options. Put a link in your bio on Instagram. On Facebook or TikTok, you can link right in your posts. You may also share your coupon code in all the above.

Why would I not be approved/cancelled as an affiliate?

  • If your mission and values do not align with ours.
  • If you create content that is inappropriate or misleading.
  • If you have provided untruthful information.
  • If you run a coupon or discount codes website.
  • We have the right to not approve or cancel an affiliate for any reason at any time.